Content Marketing: why is it needed?

 In Russia and other post-Soviet countries, the level of understanding of marketing is quite low. It corresponds to the level of the 1930s-1950s in the United States. This is the third stage of marketing development - the so-called stage of intensification of commercial efforts.

This stage is characterized by such actions as organizing active sales and aggressive advertising campaigns. Based on this, an approach to marketing is formed. Nobody thinks about long-term goals and planning. Companies don't think at all about what their customers really need. Hence the reflection of this approach in Internet marketing - the calls "buy urgently, otherwise, the time will run out", "5 minutes left until the end of the promotion", directive advertising, and other aggressive directive marketing.

Today, for buyers, recommendations from friends, and expert opinions are more meaningful. Direct advertising is gradually fading into the background. It still works, but buyers are more interested in information of a different order.

In this situation, the concept of social and ethical marketing cannot be avoided.

First of all, it is necessary to put the needs of customers at the head of the marketing policy - to find out what they need, what problems they have. Based on this, it is necessary to create products and improve them.

The next stage is the concept of strategic marketing, which implies a long-term orientation, taking into account all stakeholders. Realizing that investing in potential clients will bring in much more money in the future, short-term financial goals are relegated to the background. For Russia, this approach is "wild", but in "Kompleto" this concept has been adhered to for more than three years.

There is a huge difference between “old school” and modern marketers. "Old men" are engaged in the fact that they use active advertising, one-way communication, classic advertising channels, while not receiving feedback from their clients. The modern marketer builds exactly communication! It is important for him to get feedback, on the basis of which it is possible to improve the company's product itself, advertising activities.

Content marketing is not advertising

Content marketing does not operate in terms of "Buy!" and "Shares". This is a constant generation of useful, relevant, interesting content for users.

The problem with many companies is that they expect to get a lightning-fast impact from this type of marketing. After writing several articles and filming one video, but not getting a quick result in the form of sales, they decide that content marketing is not working. And again they start promoting with the help of contextual advertising. And this is wrong.

Content marketing is a systematic and constant work that bears fruit after some time.

What does content marketing give?


When a company is an active player in the market and shares its experience, it forms the following opinion about itself: "These guys are really good specialists and understand the issue - it is better to buy from them."

Increasing the importance of the site for search engines

Useful and interesting content adds value to the site. As our experience shows, it is possible to promote sites of competitive topics without links, but with high-quality and interesting content posted on the site itself and third-party resources

Increased loyalty

When a company is engaged in content marketing, it helps solve customer problems - then communication is built on the level of values. Questions with the price fade into the background. The potential client understands that the company can solve his problem and is more loyal to the cost of the product.

Respect for colleagues in the shop.

Ease of finding good shots. The more useful information a company puts on the Internet, the more people respond to its vacancies at HeadHunter.

Brand advocates appear. If some negative appears on the Internet, out of nowhere, “defenders” appear who say that this cannot be, the company does not work like that, and if there are any problems, the company solves them.

Increased loyalty of current customers.


This is not active and not targeted advertising, but solely work to build the company's brand.

By disabling aggressive ads, the company must grow through content marketing. The consequence of content marketing is the growth of sales and profit of the company - this is a fact.

Content Marketing Trends in Russia

In 2014, the Netology online learning center conducted a survey of internet marketers, which was attended by about 500 specialists working on the side of agencies and in the staff of companies. Content marketing took first place among the main trends in Internet marketing.

Content Marketing Tools

1. Author's publications

The classics of the genre, which has not been canceled by anyone, are the author's publications.

  • What can you write about?
  • algorithm for solving the problem;
  • market research ;
  • comparative articles;
  • survey and its results;
  • a case from practice (case);
  • selection of recommendations for beginners in this topic;
  • different options for achieving the same goal;
  • analysis of the problem from the point of view of the history of its occurrence.

The task of a content marketer and an SEO specialist is to select information requests, on the basis of which it is possible to draw up the structure of the site and blog, and then form a content marketing plan. All this must be done in order to receive stable traffic from search engines.

Various services are used to search for queries, such as Key Collector and MegaIndex, as well as Pastukhov's Keyword Base.

2. Electronic magazine + mobile versions of magazines

Many are now “going online”. For example, they post their publications in PDF format.

3. White Paper, books with useful recommendations

There are many ways to distribute this material.

An excellent case on this topic: people search for septic tanks on the Internet, entering the query "buy a septic tank". The result is a list of contextual advertising ads.

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